Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Comic 2: Phobia?

Due to the phobia of being seen by friends in public, Sally declined everytime and ended up staying at home all the time..

Monday, November 19, 2012

Comic 1: Drawing contest

There was a drawing contest  

 Knowing that I have an awesome drawing talent, I joined the competition

I worked on that art day and night for two days

and finally... it is done .....and gorgeous too!

the results came out a week after that

the winners' drawings were pretty decent. Mine was way more awesome though.. Well, to me it is.

Is it just me? Fact #2

Marshmellow sisters

Sally Marshmellow and Melly Marshmellow- cares for each other but often fights with each other

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Is it just me? fact #1

Melly says:

Welcome to this blog. For now, there is absolutely nothing to see. Just be patient. Wish for a miracle to happen to Miss Kat so that she won't be too lazy to update this blog.